Thursday, May 15, 2014

Breaking Bad Live

I think I was a part of a reality version of Breaking Bad today. If you haven't heard of Breaking Bad, it is a popular sitcom of a Chemistry teacher who starts making meth to pay for his medical bills. There is a part in the series where he makes meth from an RV. Just so happens, I was involved in a similar situation. After a 200 mile drive from Bozeman, Montana, my family and I went to a dump station (where RVers dump there waste and replace fresh water tanks) in Couer d'Alene on the border of Idaho. We pulled in and started to replace the fresh water tank in our RV when this happened:
Me casually dumping all our waste into a hole.
Me casually dumping all our waste into a hole.
Two Sheriffs and a cruiser pull in.
Two Sheriffs and a cruiser pull in. Do I run?
Turns out that they recently arrested a drug dealer (drug not specified) that was smuggling drugs through the RV dump station holes. These sheriffs were waiting for a guy to come so they could fetch the drugs out as evidence. So what they thought was the dirty work of arresting the guy probably won't compare to the task of fishing out the drugs from a shit hole.
Here are the nice fellas. (I wasn't the drug dealer)
Here are the nice fellas. (I wasn't the drug dealer)
As we were driving away, the RV that was used was being towed in escorted by another sheriff!
The busted drug lab.
Dodgy looking RV if you ask me.
Dodgy looking RV if you ask me.
Aaaaaand that concludes my experience in Idaho.

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