Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 36/37

This vast adventure is coming towards an end. I still find it hard to believe that I've biked nearly 2,000 miles. You could see how far I went from the moon. I am currently in Encinitas, CA which is just North of San Diego. Mexico less than 50 miles away which is a one day trip. I can't say I want this trip to be longer but at the same time, this has been such a dense experience full of pain and enjoyment. 

In Santa Monica, Boyd parted ways since he is staying in the LA area while Guillaume and I are continuing South. Boyd was a great person to ride with and his Australian accent flowed nicely with his witty humor. I learned new things just riding with him. I now know how to properly change a flat tire and bits and pieces of futbol, Australia, health insurance, French prime minister wives, and fish burritos. So if you're reading this Boyd, thanks for making everyday a more exuberant one! Cheers!

Koreatown, LA


Overall Progress

Today's home. My tent is supported by stakes and the ground was too hard to penetrate so I had to tie supports to my bike and Guillaume's tent.. Should have gone with the freestanding tent.


  1. Were you an avid biker before you started your journey?

    How did you feel at the beginning of your trip, after the first few days/first week or so, compared to now, after you have biked about a billion miles? Did fatigue levels change after so many days/weeks, or is it all still there?

    Do you have monster quads now?

    1. Hey AverageSam,

      To answer your questions:
      I've never done a bike tour before this trip. The longest I've biked before was a one day 100 mile trip which took nearly 12 hours. But biking has always been my main transportation when the weather is applicable. Basically everyone can do a bike tour like this. The challenge is keeping mentally strong to keep going. In bike touring, you can move your own pace. I met people biking 30 miles/day all the up to 90 miles/day. As an 18 year old male, I found 60 miles completely do-able.

      At the beginning of the trip I was super sore and tired by the end of the day. I basically woke up, ate, biked, ate, slept. After the first week, I think my body adapted pretty well to the vigorous days and I could put in my miles with less fatigue. 40 miles a day seemed impossible to do day after day but now it feels pretty normal to do 50 miles as a minimum. The human body is a wonderful creation and it can surprise you on what it is capable of.

      Quads have definitely developed. But their paleness could blind Medusa.

      Thanks for the questions!

  2. Congrats-- it must feel bittersweet to be 50 miles from the finish line.
